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New AI proposal: INDIA

 #EU has the #AIAct (first in the world). #USA has recommended the hiring of a Chief AI Officer for every Federal Agency. But, right now, I love the new India CAS framework proposal for AI. Most importantly it has a section "Ensuring Human Control through 'Manual Overrides' and 'Authorisation Chokepoints". So important as we increasingly delegate decisions to AI without having a moment to reflect with common sense or even think through unintended consequences or tradeoffs (not just risks!!!!). #humanagency

Second, under Distinct Accountability (separate point from Transperancy and Explainability), it talks of liability for AI malfunctions and unintended outcomes! So important - we often talk of profits, commercialisation and reach (assuming it means the same as benefits). I would have loved to see planetary #sustainability highlighted here too. #accountability #liability

Third, it talks of mandated standardised reporting of failures and incidents (as opposed to just #usecases). While the number of AI incidents is increasing the reporting is miniscule. We also haven't a real clue on how many incidents are bug fixes (oversight, unknown, negligence), just malicious ones (since accountability is diffused in this case). #AIincidents 

Fourth, it also highlights the need for a specialised, agile, regulatory body! #agilegovernment frameworks are so critical. #Regulations can never keep up with the pace of #technologies.

While it does not mention AI systems, the lens through which AI is viewed is complex adaptive thinking. Well done to pass the regulation and implement it. Also wishing for some diversity in the team :) #AIS #AIsystems #Systemthinking #complexadaptivesystems 

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