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Future Government Skills

If you work in the public sector (or aspire to, or work with the government affairs department of a private sector company), this open lecture is for you. According to the last few Edelman Trust Barometer surveys, governments (more so in developed countries) are facing a loss of public trust. Part of this is the zeitgeist, but also the fact governments are lagging behind the private sector in terms of perception of the delivery of services - this is ironic as governments have been outsourcing many core services to the private sector (whose motives are profits) which is not always aligned with the public sector motives which should be long-term intergenerational value (people and planet). The recent media narratives on technology also show how much governments lag in future thinking. 


The UAE government's commitment is to be a leading country in the world. This will be done through enhancing services, achieving customer satisfaction, raising the level of performance, increasing soft power, and improving coordination when it comes to the PPPs provided by government agencies. The country seeks to create a distinguished, proactive, and agile government sector that meets the desire for the creation of public value for all its customers in society and other international stakeholders through global citizenship. This context, keeping in mind a VUCA environment, increasing polarisation, and technology upheaval, requires a shift in the public sector's skills to be relevant for the future. 


We need a whole-of-government transformation and need to review, assess, value, and reward skills differently.

Date: 5th June 2024 at 10.00 am- 11:30am (Dubai time) 



• The role of government institutions like MBRSG in capacity building

• The changing role of national and international governance

• Public Sector Skills

• Future-proofing public sector skills



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