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Anticipatory Governance - Shaping a Responsible Future

Ringing in the New Year with a new book on Anticipatory Governance. 

Anticipatory Governance is the systemic process of future shaping.

The future is not a continuation of the past or present, thus making foresight a complex task requiring the engagement and collective intelligence of the whole of government with its constituents in a constructive and iterative manner. 

Effective anticipatory governance amplifies the fundamental properties of agile government to build trust, challenge assumptions, and reach consensus. Moreover, anticipatory governance sets the foundation to adapt to exponential change. 

This seismic shift in the governance environment should lead to urgent rethinking of the ways and means governments and large corporate players formulate strategies, design processes, develop human capital and shape instiutional culture to achieve long-term multigenerational public value.

Many of the wicked problems governments and corporations are grappling with like artificial intelligence applications and ethics, climate change, refugee migration, education for future skills, and health care for all, require a "system of systems", or anticipatory governance.

This book dives into the theory and practice of anticipatory governance and sets the agenda for future research.

We have had excellent pre-reviews

Forward: HE Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri, Cabinet Member and UAE Minister of Economy

Advance Reviews

HE José María Figueres Olsen (President of Costa Rica: 1994–1998)

G. Edward DeSeve (Coordinator of the Agile Government Center at the National Academy of Public Administration and Executive Fellow at the IBM Center for the Business of Government)

Mohammed Al Sharhan (Managing Director, World Governments Summit)

Sean Cleary (Executive Vice-Chair, FutureWorld Foundation)

Riel Miller (Senior Fellow, J. Herbert Smith Centre for Technology Management and Entrepreneurship & former Head of Foresight and Futures Literacy at UNESCO).


Artwork by Paul Korfhage

Book available here:


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